If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you. 


 Dallas Bass Anglers for the Deaf
DBAD Fishing Tournament:
February 16, 2013
 Where: Lewisville Lake
 Boat Launching Fee: $10.00
 Tournament fee: $25.00
 Fishing time: Fishing starts at 7:00 AM
Weigh in at parking lot
Member Only:

March, 2013
Richlard Chambers Lake

April, 2013
Ray Roberts Lake

May, 2013
Lake Fork

June, 2013
Member will pick which lake and Day or Night

July, 2013
Member will pick which lake and Day or Night

Augusy, 2013
Member will pick which lake and Day or Night

September, 2013
Lewisville Lake

October, 2013
Ray Roberts Lake

November, 2013
Richlards Chambers Lake

Please contact Mitchel Bien or Will Monteleone 48 hours before tournament if you will attend or not.
Please contact either one of us if you have any questions:
 Mitchel Bien (
mbien70840@aol.com) or 214-385-1951 vp.
Will Monteleone (
) or 469-293-3689 vp.

Drive safe, good luck and have a great time.

Thank you.

© 2011 Dallas Bass Anglers of the Deaf - All rights reserved.

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